Friday, February 1, 2013

P90X - My Final Glory...

P90X – My Final Glory…
My 54th day of P90X has me doing double duty. Normally, being a Friday, I get to focus on Legs and Back along with a little Ab Ripper X. I am going to go the distance today to make up for a missed exercise opportunity yesterday and tomorrow.
Yesterday, being my 22nd anniversary, I only got to do the Yoga routine but never made it to the gym for my 3 mile run. Today, a day I don’t usually jog, I started with my run and got that out of the way. Then I pounded through Legs and Back and brought up the intensity, as best I could. After lunch I did tomorrows Kenpo X routine…I will be in an all-day Men’s Retreat at church tomorrow, my regular day for doing Kenpo. I may stop by the gym on the way home tomorrow and knock out tomorrows run. That way, I will still be on track with my P90X obligations.
As far as the chin ups go, they are getting better and the quantity is climbing, yet the style is still a work-in-progress. It is my intention to focus on ”All” Phase 3 workouts with an intensity never yet achieved. Phase 3 is only a week away. That will be my final glory, across the 90-day finish line. BRING IT…

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