Thursday, February 28, 2013

P90X - Makes For A Long Day...

P90X – Makes For A Long Day...

Can you believe it? This is my 81st day of P90X. That means I am in the single digits as far as "Days Left" go; that's 9 to be exact.

Being my Yoga day I did my best to get an early start, just to prevent my exercising from taking over my entire day. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get going with the 1 1/2 hour Yoga class until almost 9:00 am. That meant I would be finished that portion of my routines by 10:30. I stayed with the Yoga class through the entire program. It was exhausting but I kept up, as best I could and modified where needed (Crane).

Then it was off to do some yard work (remove an over grown (and fallen over) cactus from the side of the house and to destroy the Pack Rats nest that was built within the fallen and dying limbs.

As I cut away and pitch forked the cactus pieces into the trash bin, each time I stabbed a large and heavy limb I thought of the last time I tried to do this...remember? I ended up in surgery having a 4 inch thorn removed from my finger. You can be assured that with each stab, I took careful aim (and I wore gloves as well). You see, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I won't go into the gory (and comical) details about the Pack Rats who were at home during my demolition and the fight we had. (It was 4 against one...and I won, sort of).

After doing the yard work it was time to make lunch for Kerry's mom. By noon, she was fed, chores were completed and laundry folded and put away (yes, I am domesticated-aren't you?)

It is now 12:44 pm and I just got back from the gym. Today's 3 mile run took a lot out of me, but like everything else I do, I pushed on and crossed that imaginary finish line.

 Doing double routines, chores, and managing all of my other responsibilities makes for a long day. But since Kerry is away and I am alone with a dog and a mother-in-law, I would rather have each day pass as an hour; each hour pass as a minute; and minutes as seconds. Then I could say, "Soon, she will be home." 

They were Mean - But I Was Meaner

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