Sunday, February 17, 2013

P90X - It Was A Pretty Good Idea...

P90X – It Was A Pretty Good Idea…
Day 70 of my 90 day P90X journey and I was blessed to have it land on a Sunday. That meant that today’s routine was going to be Stretch X; a routine Kerry and I both enjoy.
As I was getting set up for the workout, Kerry came up to me and said that it was really nice outside (approaching 78 degrees) and we should find an excuse to be outside instead of inside the house. My mind darted back and forth, wondering if she was hinting at me not doing my routine today and instead, working with her in the garden. Then she said, “You could always do your exercise outside.” I smiled. It was a pretty good idea.
I moved some furniture off of our back porch and layed out the yoga mats. Then I started the DVD in the living room, turned up the volume and pulled down the sun screens outside to reduce the TV glare. It worked. Within moments both of us were outside, in the fresh air, stretching like there was no tomorrow. It was a quick hour.
The only problem we had was with Rosie, our miniature poodle. Seeing us outside, in her world, and being low down on the yoga mats doing various stretching exercise, the urge to lick was overpowering for her. Needless to say, Kerry and I felt the love.
By the way, after the workout, we did some some yard work, completing a chore she had on her to-do list for some time now. What a great day.
It was a quick week…the first week of my Phase Three. Will the remainder of this third and final phase go as quickly? I’ll let you know.

So I'm A Licker...Sue Me

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