Wednesday, February 20, 2013

P90X - My Perfect Wife...

P90X – My Perfect Wife…
Day 73 brought many surprises, all of which were exciting and worthy of note.
My day started with Kerry heading off for her almost-daily 6 mile trek through Sabino Canyon. While she was gone I thought that this would be a good time to start my P90X routine for today, the Wednesday of my second week of Phase Three.
Back and Biceps was my goal for today followed by my now-favorite 16 minute workout, Ab Ripper X. I remember when I first started doing the P90X journey, 2 ½ months ago. Trying to do the Ab Ripper X program just made me dizzy and I was lucky to get 5 minutes into the routine before having to quit. Now, I am there with them, every step of the way, doing my thing. Now that’s cool. As far as the Back and Biceps DVD went, it was a lot of curls and pull-ups. Again, I stayed with it and followed along, doing as they did or doing my own thing if a modification was called for…and it was. I finished feeling strong and ready to face the day, no matter what it had in store for me.
When Kerry and I were about to head out for some lunch, she called out for me to look out the window. Huge snowflakes were falling…it got heavier and heavier, reminding me of my childhood in Montreal, where winter weather lasts for 5 months. I was astonished and amazed. It was a blizzard right there in front of me, in February, in Tucson. What a blessing this day was, for all the right reasons; great workout, awesome weather, and an amazing lunch shared with my perfect wife.
Now this was a day filled with many surprises…and I liked it.

Talk About a Cool Down

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