Wednesday, February 13, 2013

P90X - My Arms Are All Rubbery...

P90X – My Arms Are All Rubbery…
Day 66 of my P90X adventure had me focused on Shoulders and Arms, (curls, curls and then more curls) with a healthy dose of Ab Ripper X to round off my workout.
I was able to keep up with the group and only had to reduce my weights for a couple of the sequences. One of the rules of thumb (Tony’s rule that is), if you are using a lighter weight, go with more reps. If the weight you are using is heavier, less reps are needed.
Another factor to consider is what your goal is. If you are looking at bulking up, then use a heavier weight and do less reps. If your goal is to be lean, then lighten up the load and increase the duration. I was happy somewhere in the middle. I stayed with a heavier weight when I could and I think it is going to pay off. I can feel it. My arms are all rubbery.  
During today’s workout my mind was playing with the notion of which P90X programs I would use for my post 90 day maintenance. I will definitely not be doing this sort of intense schedule of 1 to   1 ½ hours every day. I will keep up my 3 mile run every other day and figure out some sort of exercise routine to keep the rest of my body toned. Then the idea of using the Shoulders and Arms program as one of my workout routines popped into my mind. I liked the idea. This would absolutely be an excellent upper body workout that I can see myself doing maybe once or twice a week.
The Ab Ripper X sequence was the same as always…difficult and sweat inducing. Loved it.
Man oh Man...Did I Do Curls?

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