Saturday, February 2, 2013

P90X - No Routines Missed

P90X – No Routines Missed.
Today was an unusual day of anticipation, sweat and growth, all rolled up in one. Allow me to explain. If you read my posting yesterday you will remember that I had a Church Day planned today and probably wouldn’t get to my P90X routine scheduled for today (Saturday- my 55th P90X day). So, yesterday I doubled up my routines. I started the day with a 3 mile run, because I missed my run on Thursday. After a Friday morning jog I came home and started my  P90X Legs and Back routine. Once that was done, Kerry joined me in the Ab Ripper X sequence and we both grunted and groaned our way through a very sweaty workout. Then, later on in the afternoon I jumped right into Kenpo X (the routine scheduled for today). Done…legs tired…muscles sore but happy.
Today I attended a men’s conference. Our church, New Life Bible Fellowship in Tucson hosted the tele-cast for the entire State of Arizona. The conference was titled “No Regrets Men’s Conference; TRANSFORMED…Be Not Conformed. Romans 12:2 
The event started at 7:30am and finished at 3pm. Yes, lunch was included and I found it to be extremely tasty (in a naughty sort of way). I ate chips (something I never do anymore…and they were good).
I got to enjoy words of wisdom from such speakers as Kenny Luck (the Keynote speaker), James McDonald, Vince D’Acchioli, Dan Seadom, Steve Sonderman and original poetry recited by poet Shawn Welcome. It was a full day indeed.
As the conference concluded, I stopped by my gym on my way home to crank out another 3 mile run. So, when you add up all the routines I completed yesterday and today, I am still on track with no routines missed or overlooked. Not only am I stronger physcially and metally, now my spiritual growth excels as well. What a day.

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