Friday, February 8, 2013

P90X - Is It Bedtime Yet?

P90X – Is It Bedtime Yet…
Now that I am well into my Third Phase of P90X (1 day), I can say that the finish line is not that far up ahead of me. Yes, welcome to day 61 of my 90 day P90X odyssey.
Today was Core Synergistics and of course I added a 3 mile run to the program. This run was my 4th day in a row going to the gym and doing the tread mill thing. No more running until Tuesday of next week.
Kerry joined me for today’s work out and still was able to head out and take care of household things at the same time.  For me, there were some pushups that I just didn’t have any interest in trying, and yet there were others I thrived on. For example, the walking pushup…Love It. The Sphinx pushup…Do-Able. But when it came to the ones that I had trouble with, I immediately went into normal pushup mode and pounded out 20. I feel the pain.
So, in summary, adding today’s P90X Synergistics with my run and the hours spent running around town taking care of other matters, by the time I sat down to write this posting, all I can think of is, “Is it bedtime yet?”
Did Somebody Say Work That Core?

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