Sunday, February 3, 2013

P90X - A Day of Rest...Not

P90X –A Day of Rest…Not
Today, my 56th P90X day is also a Sunday. As with every other Sunday since I began this journey, I have the option of either resting or working through an hour of P90X Stretch. Would this be a day of rest, or not? NOT!
I haven’t taken a single day of rest since I began this adventure, except for a couple of days when I was either sick or recovering from hand surgery. Even then, when I was sick, I gave it all I could to do my scheduled routine.
What a joy today when Kerry came up to me after church and asked, “So, what P90X routine are we doing today?” Together we worked (stretched) for the full hour, with only one short pause. Time, for me, seems to pass quickly when I am sharing the experience. Today, time flew by.
I am noticing that my stretches are more in line with the instructors demands, versus what I was doing at the beginning of this 3 month odyssey. I am looking forward to the final days, when I will document my overall physical changes from start to finish. That day will come…soon.
Next week is my last week of Phase 2. That means this time next week; I will be entering into my final phase, Phase 3, the pathway to completion.
                                                         Thats Gotta Hurt

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