Saturday, February 9, 2013

P90X - Home Alone...

P90X – Home Alone…
Day 62 of my P90X adventure lands on a Saturday and that means Yoga X is on the menu. We had a night of restless sleep with rain and snow coated the Tucson area. The mountains behind us are covered with a white blanket of awesomeness. When it came time to get up this morning, I didn’t want to and Kerry had to (she has her mother to take care of). I soon realized that if neither of us moved, nothing would be done so I decided to pop out of bed and take care of the breakfast routine while Kerry got her mom up and settled in for the morning ritual. Let the day begin!
This, being Saturday was the day that Kerry was to go for her 6 mile + walk with her former co-worker. They ventured up into Sabino Canyon for 3 + miles before turning around and heading back down. This means for the next 3 hours or so I would be left home alone. What a great opportunity to dive into my least favorite routines (1 ½ hours of Yoga X). I guess I am not crazy about this program because it is long and I find a lot of the moves extremely challenging.
Today I promised myself not to hit the fast forward button – not once; and I didn’t. I actually kept up and more or less did every move as they did, with two modifications. First, when it came to Crane, I spent that minute in Childs Pose and towards the end, some of the ham string stretches were setting my legs on fire, so I may have held the positions for only 30 seconds instead of 60.
This tells me that by the end of the Third Phase, I will be able to do “Everything” on “Every” DVD without pause, skipping or short-timing myself. That is my goal anyways. But for now, I consider today’s Yoga X routine a success. Now, bring me my Saturday and all the glory within it…
Oh, one more thing worthy of note; Kerry called me as she was heading home from her walk. She was excited to tell me that while she was on her walk, it started to snow on her.  Tucson is such an amazing place. We are truly blessed.
Balance - Focus - Release

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