Saturday, February 23, 2013

P90X - Take That...

P90X – Take That…
It is funny watching myself (or my reflection I should say) when doing my backward kicks. Side and front kicks are what they are but my back ones crack me up. When I start the cycle, they are high (groin height) and deadly. As they increase in number they drop from groin hits to shin hits. I guess that would be enough to slow down an oncoming foe. As time passes and the hour winds down, my fatigued legs present more of a threat to the ankle of a rear attaching enemy. Take that!
All in all, I must say that my form has improved a thousand percent over the last 2 ½ months. I am now on day 76 of this 90 day journey and to be honest, I am looking forward to the day when I can sit back, recall the adventure and say, “Good Job!” Soon…the dream morphs into reality.
After my Kenpo workout today I drank my 8 oz Whey protein drink and prepared myself for a brief 3 mile run; my last run for the week; a glorious day for me indeed.
This will also be my last posting from this laptop. Our church is sending a team of missionaries to West Africa to bring the Word to Senegal. I was part of the initial team, blazing a way for future visits. Next month will be our 3rd trip. When we went during the initial trip we brought suit cases full of stuff to donate to villages and missionaries living there. Bandages, vitamins, educational and health supplies, not to mention clothing were all a part of the care package we delivered.
In the school we helped to build the needs continue to grow and between us and other partner churches, these needs are met, almost. This year the need is for computers (laptops). I had an old Alvertec sitting in the cupboard, suffering from old and worn out hinges…it is on its way to Africa. Also, the HP I have been using for the past several years has slowed down and although it still works well, I feel it is time to upgrade to a newer more sophisticated laptop…it has been ordered and will arrive next week. My HP will join my Alvertec and help those who can really use the help.
If you or someone you know has a laptop and are are interested in making a donation to a school in Senegal, please contact New Life Bible Fellowship, Tucson, AZ. If your donation doesn’t make it on this upcoming trip, worry not…we will be returning to Senegal, in the near future.  
You can reach New Life for more details at;
Pastor Greg and me, taking a break while
helping to build a school in Senegal

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