Monday, February 18, 2013

P90X - Forgetaboutit...

P90X – Forgetaboutit…
It was an interesting day indeed. Being my 71st day and a Monday and the second week of Phase Three, my routine would be Chest, Shoulders and Triceps followed with the usual Ab Ripper X.
I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for today at 10:00 so I planned on starting my workout by 8:00. That would give me 1 ½ hours to finish both routines, and still have enough time left over for a quick shower before heading to the doctor’s office.
My appointment went well, and the doctor was impressed with my aggressive exercise schedule. 
While doing today’s routine I soon realized that the Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout only appears 5 times during the entire P90X Classic program. Today was my 4th time doing it so that means I only get to do it one more time before ending my journey. I am kind of glad because all this program has you doing is pushup after pushup after pushup. And when you think you’re done, they bring on more pushups, just to see how far you can push the envelope.
Here is a little feedback about my progress. Obviously, all of the pushup styles are different. Some are military, others are arm switch or wide arm slides. The one that stands out for me today was the Clap or Plyo. This one you have all seen; one goes down and when they push up they do so hard and fast enough to get a little air time, long enough to clap your hands before going down for another one. Today (for my first time ever) I was able to clap on each pushup. I did 15 in total, without resting. Now here is the funny thing. When I was done I looked at the TV screen and saw how Tony was doing it. Picture this…he is in perfect plank position. He is on the tips of his toes and arms are straight with fingers spread wide. He slowly lowers himself until he can kiss the ground, then quickly he pushes himself up so hard and fast, his hands and feet catch air (and of course he claps). That's right...his entire body is in the air. It was amazing to watch. Do-able? For hims, sure; for me, “Forgetaboutit.”
Now that's a Pushup

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