Friday, February 15, 2013

P90X - It WIll Be Done...

P90X – It Will Be Done…
I think I am getting the hang of this. I was able to complete today’s workout killing myself.
My 68th P90X day draws near to the end of my first week of Phase Three. There are five weeks in this phase compared to the four weeks in Phases One and Two. My 90th day of P90X will actually land on the first day of the 5th week so I will have an option of ending right there or finishing the week, making this a P96X journey. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, it is still one day at a time.
The Legs and Back DVD was my focus today. For an hour I worked on exercises that are designed strengthen the legs and back; my legs are already in pretty good shape from my many 3 mile runs each week. But, my ham strings and all of my leg muscles seem to enjoy the attention, so I just went for it, without question, without worry, without hesitation. The Pull-ups did challenge me, but as you know, I love a challenge.
Kerry joined me for the second part of today’s workout; Ab Ripper X. Together we huffed and puffed and she even had some suggestions for me on how to improve my leg dexterity; tricks she learned from Physical Therapy. Good stuff.
The journey seems to be going faster and faster now, compared to the beginning when each day passed like flowing molasses. Soon, it will be done. My job will be done. I will be done.
 Legs Sore - Good

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