Tuesday, February 5, 2013

P90X - Hoo Ra...

P90X – Hoo Ra
My 58th P90X day was awesome. I got to start this Tuesday with a dose of Core Synergistics followed with a healthy helping of a 3 mile run at the gym. My plan is to also run on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, giving me a 4-days-in-a-row running sequence. I am doing this because there is no post routine Ab Ripper X on the schedule for my last week of Phase two.
Next week, when I get into my third and final phase the Ab Ripper X, I will return to my normal schedule of alternating Ab Ripper with running as my post exercise obligation.
Today was only my third time doing this routine. In the Classic P90X schedule, Core Synergistics is only used twice during the last week of each Phase. Today, I could feel the burn.
Core Synergistics was very involved for me. I did get to at least attempt most of the exercises and hang in for the duration. There were one or two that I decided to pass on. Next week, when I enter into my third and final phase, I plan on going at each maneuver with maximum intensity. My goal is to avoid the pause button and the fast forward button. This will be my final opportunity to achieve maximum results. But for now I will focus on what this week (the last week of Phase Two) has to offer. As usual, I will update you as each day passes. Hoo Ra…

Heart Strong...Muscles Firm...Brain Focused

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