Tuesday, February 26, 2013

P90X - It Ain't As Easy As It Sounds...

P90X – It Ain't As Easy As It Sounds...

Today was day 79 of my 90 day P90X adventure. Being a Tuesday of week three of Phase Three, Plyometrics was my challenge today. Sure, I did hit the pause button a couple of times but that didn't stop me from doing every exercise with all the intensity I could muster. I was soaking by the time I was done, sweating with the same volume as when I run. Speaking of run, I did head to the gym after feeding Kerry's mom and was able to knock out an easy 3 mile jog in just over 35 minutes. My goal is a 10 minute mile...Almost there...More sweat...

My challenge today was the Circle Run routine. Just can't seem to get my two feet to work together. And as far as doing it quickly goes, you're dreaming. But, I do run the circles slowly and who knows, maybe one day in the near future I will actually be able to run the circles at P90X speed. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, it is an exercise where you place a towel of some other object on the floor, giving you a parameter to run around. Then, starting clockwise, you move your feet in circles around the object on the floor, slower at first, then increase the speed as you go. The objective is to run quickly around the towel while your head and shoulders DO NOT move. All the action is from your hips down. After 30 seconds, you switch directions. Try it. It Ain't As Easy As It Sounds. 

Check out this lady, who actually can do the Circle Run (Sort of). It looks like she stops to change direction just before her feet get all tangled up... Girl Attempting Circle Run

Today was also the day that Kerry headed south to visit her sister Tina, who is living in Mexico. She will be gone for 1 week...1 very long week...  But, no worries, I have plenty of things around here to do to keep my mind off of the echo that was once my brides presence.

I also picked up my new laptop today and started trying to figure it out. The O.S. is Windows 8, a format that is totally foreign to me. After spending an hour or so clicking here and searching there, I think I am getting the hang of it. Seems like Windows 8 is more in line for the touch screen technology and using a mouse can be a little weird, but I am getting the hang of it and in a short time I should have it mastered. 

Plyometrics / Jump Training
Catch Some Air

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