Friday, February 22, 2013

P90X - How Quickly I Feel The Burn...

P90X – How Quickly I Feel The Burn…
My 75th day of P90X means only one thing…I have 15 more days to go before finishing my journey, crossing the finish line, doing the victory dance, and of course, measuring my physical changes from before I began this odyssey.
Today, my P90X Classic chart had me doing Legs and Back, followed by a little Ab Ripper X. Kerry joined me for the Ab Ripper X portion, and as usual, she out did me in many components (and I did outshine her in a few as well).
With all of the running I do (3 mile runs 4 or more times per week), I have pretty strong legs. Yet, with all of the solid muscle I have in my legs, it still surprises me at how quickly I feel the burn when doing extended leg exercises. A couple of times today I ended up standing up early when there were still a few seconds left in the posture hold.
Ab Ripper X was a nice way to finish off today’s workout.
As Kerry prepares for her visit with her sister Tina in Mexico I prepare myself for a week of living as the solo caregiver for her mom…with only 15 days left before I finish my P90X obligation, I look forward to doing my last day, two days after Kerry returns. So, while she is away, I will be here, alone, doing my thing, working on my routines like there is no tomorrow. This is my time to push it, to bring it, and to tell you all about it.
Lunge and Hold

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