Tuesday, February 19, 2013

P90X - Pay Caesar His Due...

P90X – Pay Caesar His Due…
Today was a great day and I’ll give you a hint to why I say that. P90X had something to do with it and so did Uncle Sam. Are you going nuts with curiosity yet? Okay, no more teasing. Here is my 72nd day of P90X summary.
Plyometrics was on the menu today. I actually kept up until they got to the Rock Star jumps. By then I was huffing like crazy, wanting to be anywhere else but there, sweating. So I did the only thing a normal sane man in my position would do; I hit the fast forward button and took the Rock Star routine out of the equation all together. I can hear you yelling, “Hey! That’s not fair.” My reply to you is, “You’re right.”
About 10 minutes later on, while doing some lateral frog moves or some other flying/jumping sort of exercise I just didn’t feel like I was getting the “whole 9 yards” so I reversed the DVD, found the jumping Rock Star part and joined in on the sequence until it was done. Then I pushed fast forward to where I left off and continued on working out, finishing off the remaining exercises.  Now that was cool. I remembered the promise I made to myself for the third and final phase…To Push It To The Limit…and today I did.
Instead of going right to the gym, like I usually do on my running days, I had to go with Kerry and meet our tax guy (a former Senator who now does taxes). In the Bible (Mark: 22, 21) it says, “Pay to Caesar what is Caesars…” I have no problem paying taxes, in fact, being born and raised in Canada, taxation is an important part of the way of life, and as long as the money is used to feed the poor and provide housing and urban renewal, I say, “Tax On Brother.” So why not do as Jesus did, pay Caesar his due? For me, tax time is a time of closure (closure of the previous year) and looking forward to what the New Year may bring.
After getting back from doing our taxes I headed to the gym and got my 3 mile run behind me. It was a beautiful thing.
I Can Fly

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