Wednesday, February 27, 2013

P90X - It's A Long List...

P90X – It's A Long List...

This is the Wednesday of my 3rd week of Phase Three and it is a special day. No, not because today's routine was Shoulders and Arms. No, not because I am more fit now than I have been in a long long time. And no, not because it is my second day home alone without my lady; my good half; my better half. Although all of these are true, this day is special because it is my day 80...Only 10 more days until this pilgrimage reaches its long anticipated conclusion. That makes me smile.

I did push the envelope today with the curls. My 15 lb weights no longer seem heavy to me. When I start doing long term maintenance at the gym I will definitely be upping the weight to 25's or maybe even 30's. The P90X instructor (Tony) uses 45's as his favorite...I have NO interest in ever wanting to curl 45's. After all, for me it is all about being lean and firm not buffed out like a gorilla.

As usual I followed today's routine with the Ab Ripper X program. I actually sweat more doing Ab Ripper X for 16 minutes then I did during the 58 minutes of Shoulders and Arms routine. But, I do feel more burn from the Shoulder and Arms.

I think this will  be a good time for me to go sit in the hot tub, think about my wife and contemplate on all that I am thankful for. It's a long list.

Ah, She Loves Me

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