Monday, February 11, 2013

P90X - Wait And See...

P90X – Wait and See…
Being my 64th day of P90X I remembered my promise to myself, that I would go after each routine with a hunger and determination, unlike any other day previously. This was my Phase Three goal and as today's Chest and Back routine started; I soon realized that I was in for a difficult hour.
For the most part, this routine involves chin-ups followed by pushups, then more chin-ups once again followed by more pushups. This went on for 30 minutes before we were reminded that now we will do the entire sequence again, but in reverse order. Yes, there was a point when the DVD instructor congratulated us for reaching the point where there will be no more chin-ups and that was a good moment, but the remainder of the program was not easy.
Each pushup had a twist to it making it more challenging compared to the previous set. Arms wider and one leg up, or both legs raised on a chair or my favorite, the Diving pushup where you dive down and forward (as if going under a fence and repeat the pivot backwards to the original start position. Here is what I gained; endurance. Most of those pushup variations are beyond my ability but I did pushups anyways; maybe not as they did on the TV screen but for someone my age and in my present condition I was pleased at the number of pushups I completed by the end of the program.
Now, don’t think that I am all manly man pumping out dozens of pushups without stopping for hours at a time…Nope, not me. Instead I do the girly girl type, you know what I mean? These are the pushups where you rest on your knees instead of your toes while pumping up and down. Each time the program went into pushup mode, I would slam out 20 of these girly girl pushups, incorporating the variations as shown, arms and legs wide apart, hands touching (heart), military, diving, etc. When they went into the chin-up exercises, I did my own variations, not concerned about what they were doing or how many. Instead I did my five or six, in regular, style format…nothing special, nothing pretty, but something intense and that’s what I like.
Immediately after the Chest and Back DVD was complete I popped in the Ab Ripper X DVD and worked on every exercise, without too much problem and with a lot of sweat. I can actually do sit ups now, something I could not do just 2 short months ago.
I plan on keeping up this intensity for the remaining 26 days. Will I be able to do it? Wait and see!
 Don't Make Me Flex

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