Sunday, February 10, 2013

P90X - Yummy...

P90X –Yummy…
I love Sunday’s. This is the one day a week when I allow myself a slice of bacon for breakfast. Today, that slice was wrapped up in a 10” flour tortilla with fried tomato slices and avocado. Yummy. The rest of the week I will return to my healthier small bowl of Kasha or Cheerio’s. I no longer drink coffee so my morning drink of choice is either water or maybe a juice (no sugar, 100% all natural fruit).
Other good things about Sunday’s include going to church and seeing all of our friends and my P90X Stretch X routine. It really makes my body happy to re-align all of those joints as well as stretching those tight tendons and muscles created by the previous 6 days of P90X intensity and running. And of course, a happy body carries a happy mind.
While Kerry was out shopping for groceries, I spent the hour working on my 63rd day of this journey. It is amazing at how much my body has changed from day one and it is exciting to anticipate how much more it will evolve during my remaining 27 days. I am now into Phase Three, my third and final phase and as I promised in an earlier posting, during Phase Three I will not push the DVD player's fast forward button. Instead I will try “All” of the exercises, regardless of my ability to do them or not. This is the time to push it to the limit and reap the rewards.

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