Thursday, February 14, 2013

P90X - Happy Valentine's Day Folks...

P90X – Happy Valentine’s Day Folks…
Today is a special one for obvious reasons. This is Valentine’s Day, a day of recognition and adoration.
Normally I would sit down and write all about my workout and how easy (or difficult) I found the routine. Kerry had other ideas on how we should spend the day, and I must say, I agree.
Her suggestion went something like this, “Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetie. I love you.” My reply, “I love you too Babe. Happy Valentine’s Day.” Her next statement, “Now, let’s not spend a lot of time on the computer today but instead let’s make the day about you and me.” My reply, “I agree…but, I still have to Blog about the workout I did earlier.” Her comeback, “Well, why not make it a quick one. Just say you worked out and leave it at that?” I answered, “Sounds good to me. Let’s go out for lunch.”
So, after buying lunch, and getting back home, our day was planned out like this;
-          I will cook a special seafood dinner for us tonight (Scallops, Butterfly Prawns, Crab Cakes and Blackened Salmon served on a bed of greens). A long time ago I was a Sous Chef.
-          We will spend some time dancing (she already picked out the music)
-          She purchased two DVD’s (both Christian) and we will spend some time enjoying them (one is a standup comedian and the other one is a movie about a marriage retreat).
-          We will of course watch American Idol.
-          I will leave the rest of the day to your imagination.
So, with that said, my posting is done for today…except for mentioning this;
-          I did 1½ hours of Yoga
-          I ran 3 miles
-          It is my 67th day of P90X
-     Chores done
That is all I have to say about that (for today that is).
Happy Valentine’s Day folks…enjoy each other.
Ahh - She loves me

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