Thursday, February 7, 2013

P90X - 60 Down, 30 To Go


P90X – 60 Down, 30 To Go
I was going to title today’s P90X article “Don’t Forget to Breathe, in Stereo” but I decided to go with “60 Down, 30 To Go” instead, for good reason.
Today was the day to do Stretch X and Kerry joined me from start to finish with no pauses or other interruptions. Picture this. Here I am, doing my thing, and following along with ease. Kerry was on my right breathing loudly, air going in…air going out…air going in…air going out. When I say loudly I am not exaggerating. Now, on the TV screen was Tony, my video instructor, who was reminding us (his audience) to not forget the tip of the day; Breathe. Because I can take in and expel air in volume quietly, Kerry thought I was not following the instructions. I was getting “Don’t Forget To Breathe” from both sides at the same time; Stereo.
But, for other reasons I decided to title today’s journal entry 60 Down, 30 To Go.  If you remember back to my posting on December 18, 2012, I called that entry 20 Down, 70 To Go because I just completed 20 days of P90X and I had 70 days to go. 70 days seemed like such a long time, a Mission Impossible if you will. Well, now you can see what I am talking about. I just completed 60 days of P90X and only have 30 left.
After my Stretch X routine I headed to the gym and paced a good 3 mile run. Happy Sweat! By the time I got back from running I was beat, ready to sit down, and relax. This was a busy day; much like yesterday, with honey-do’s incorporated into my routines.
Remember yesterday and all those bags of steer manure I brought home? Well, today I was out there with Kerry making short work of its distribution. First, extend the trees base border (as the tree grows, the rocks that create the base border need to be pulled back, making the base larger). Once that is done the manure is spread out, thick. Then a spade shovel was used to till the soil making sure all the manure was deeply mixed with the existing soil. The last phase was watering heavily to make sure the nutrients are deeply settled (and as Kerry taught me, you can re-contour the base with the water hose). We finished in good time, and it wasn’t even 9am yet. That was when we headed into the workout room to start our Stretch X routine. What a day, muscles happy!
Tomorrow we will speak about the sprint across the finish line, or at least day dream about it.
       That Don't Look Like No P90X To Me

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