Monday, February 25, 2013

P90X - Works For Me...

P90X – Works For Me...

Is it just me or do these exercises seem to be getting easier? Hmmm

Today was focused on Chest and Back, which could only mean two things; pushups and pull-ups. This P90X program is designed to build up those muscles that support the arms (and all of the activity/work they do) as well as the head and neck, two places where stress and tension can take their toll.

The process is simple, take 25 minutes to do 12 separate exercises then repeat with a little more intensity. It's the adding more intensity during the second round that challenges me...arms are totally tired out by then, so every pushup or pull-up takes double the effort-at least for me anyways.

The pull-ups are still the one area I will continue to work on. Compared to when I first started this 90 day journey my pull-ups are stellar (not beautiful). By the time the on-screen instructor and his class are done their 20-30 reps on the pull up bar, I have already completed my 5-10 very ugly, bent elbow, body shaking chin-up-to-the-bar pull-ups. Works for me! By the end of the class I am lucky to be able to punch out 3-5 pull-ups...My arms are all rubbery. As far as the pushups go-no problem. I am now slamming out between 20-25 on normal and military style and 10-15 on more difficult styles.

Being a Monday (and my 78th day of 90), I got to partake in a little Ab Ripper X after the main class was completed. I am beginning to feel more at home with sit-ups and Ab crunches. Even though I do my sit-ups like my pull-ups (ugly and funny to look at), I am still doing it and yes, I can feel the burn as I crunch out each sit-up, one at a time. Now I am able to do 15 compared to 2 1/2 months ago when 1 was a challenge. I will continue to work on endurance and try to get that number up to 30-50. That may take a few more months...and I have nothing but time.

Now that's X-treme - AMEN

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