Tuesday, February 12, 2013

P90X - So Am I...

P90X – So Am I…
Plyometrics has become one of the P90X routines that I have no problem following. Today, my 65th day of the 90 day journey, I did my Plyometrics workout and was able to stay with the team, all the way. Well…almost all the way. Allow me to explain.
There were two routines that I just couldn’t do, not for the lack of trying. One was a basic standing in one spot, with feet together. Following along you are to jump up high while bending both legs at the knee, allowing your feet to hit your butt. This is, of course, to be done fast enough so your feet are back in place below your body as gravity quickly brings you back down.
My problem is getting enough air time to be able to quickly bend my legs up and back down again. I worry about not being fast enough and ending up causing an injury (face meets floor).
So, what do I do? Modify. Instead of trying to do as they do (on the DVD) I came up with my own version. I jump as they do without bending the legs. I am more or less just jumping up and down, following their pace…when they speed up I speed up, when they stop I stop. Whatever number they do, I do, with maybe a few extra for good measure. I sweat hard during this modification so I know it works for me.
The other exercise I had to modify is the Rock Star jump. During this exercise you jump like the other jump, with bending knee and feet hitting butt, but while doing this you do a guitar thing with one arm straight out to the side and the other arm doing a full circle maneuver, just like a rock star strumming his guitar. My issue with this is the same as mentioned above so my modification is the same as well. I jump straight up without the leg bending thing and while I am catching air I complete the guitar strumming part. Yes, I stay with the team, jump for jump, strum for strum.
I did hit the pause button a couple of times (and only for 30 seconds or less) just to catch my breath; but other than that, it was an awesome workout.
Later on, after drinking a Whey protein drink (my own version of the Recovery Drink) I headed to the gym and ran an easy 3 miles. Now my muscles are all tingly and happy. So am I.
Focus on Launch not Lunch

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