Monday, February 4, 2013

P90X - Bend and Twist...

P90X – Bend and Twist
Monday of the last week of Phase 2 equals Yoga X. Up until now the P90X Yoga X routine is one of my least favorites. What? Your least favorite? Are you nuts? Yes, yes and no is my reply. Here is why I say Yoga is not my warm and fuzzy workout routine. It kills me. I can’t bend like they want me to and an hour and a half is a large chunk of my day, especially when I add a 3 mile run to the schedule.
But wait! Today something changed. They wanted me to bend and twist and you know what? I did! And it was good. And Kerry worked it right there beside me.
During my usual weeks of P90X I usually add Ab Ripper X to my routines on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This leaves me with Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for my 3 mile run add on. For me, that is a well balanced week. Being the last week of Phase 2, there is no Ab Ripper X on the schedule for the entire week. Also, I have Yoga on Monday and Saturday. This gives me an opportunity to run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and if I feel up to it, I may add a 3 mile jaunt on Friday as well. I’ll keep you posted.
So, since I am not running on the same day as my Yoga, and considering I was actually able to do most of what was expected of me, you never know…I may just learn to enjoy doing Yoga.
It seems that everyone around me loves Yoga and so why shouldn’t I? One of my pastors (Benjamin) was also on a P90X journey of his own. He injured his hamstring (not a result of P90X) which limited his ability to do most of the P90X routines, leaving him with only the Yoga X program to work out with while he heals. Yes, another one who loves Yoga.
I made a promise to Kerry (my wife) that once I am finished my P90X obligation, I will go with her to the Yoga classes and Palates classes as a part of my ongoing maintenance. By then I think I may learn to enjoy the whole Yoga thing (notice I said enjoy and not love).

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