Sunday, February 24, 2013

P90x - I Can't Wait...

P90X –I Can't Wait...

For awhile there I thought I wouldn't get around to doing my P890X for today. 

 Of course this morning started with a big breakfast followed by getting ready for church. Once at church Kerry and I relaxed sharing the moment with our New Life friends (our church family). Hugs and greetings were exchanged before and after Greg's amazing sermon. Then it was back home to make sure Kerry's mom was okay and to get going on the various projects we had slated for today.

Kerry and I finally finished our chores around 3:00pm and I still had my P90X to do. Would I have the energy (or drive) to go for it and spend the next hour fulfilling by wellness obligation? For those of you who know me, you know the answer was yes. And I did. And it was good.

Being my 77th day of this 90 day journey, and a Sunday, I would spend 58 minutes following along with Stretch X routine. I stayed with it all the way, without break or pause. 

So, tomorrow is the start of my 3rd week of Phase Three. I can't wait. Well, maybe I can, a little!

I like Sundays!

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