Friday, March 1, 2013

P90X - You Gotta Be Kiddin...

P90X - You Gotta Be Kiddin...

There was a time, not that long ago when I thought that the P90X exercises were just too difficult for me; too extreme and beyond my physical abilities. Today, as I flew through the Ab Ripper X DVD, I was amazed at how far I've come. Sure, I still can't do a few of the exercises the way they are demonstrated, but that doesn't stop me from doing the same sort of muscle group workout, my own way; a way that does work for me.

This, my 82nd day, brings me only within 8 days of the eventual finish line. Being the Friday of my third week of Phase Three, I was obligated to start today's exercise program with Legs and Back (lunges and chin-ups). Every one of the exercises were manageable and completed without too much strain, blood, sweat and tears. 

It is interesting doing the Ab Ripper X program after working on ones legs. The leg muscles are all warmed up and ready to go. Does this make the program any easier? I think not. It does help get my mind in the right place. I think I have my most difficulty doing extreme exercises when my mind it wandering off to faraway places. When I allow my thoughts to go blank, the routine seems to go a lot easier, smother, quicker. That is probably a good reason to include a little Yoga in your exercise regime. It helps you ground your inner being, that fire that feeds your soul.

This journey has taught me one very important lesson; don't stop trying to do something, just because you think you can't do it. Looking back to my first P90X week, I remember hitting the pause button at the beginning of almost every exercise. "You Gotta Be Kiddin," was my initial reaction to every workout, when I first got into this adventure. I really didn't think I would last the entire 90 days. Now look at me, only 8 more days to go before I publish my summary, measurements and before and after pics (maybe I'll leave out the pics). 

Not The 6 Pack I'm Looking For

1 comment:

  1. Don't leave out the pics! You are very inspiring to me in my budding working out self! You rock! Xx
