Thursday, March 7, 2013

P90X - It Never Was My Favorite...

P90X - It Never Was My Favorite...

It is so close, I can almost see it...the finish line that is. Yes, this is my 88th day of 90, which means I only have two more to go.

 One of my biggest concerns entering into this P90X journey was getting injured and not being able to finish what I started. Now when I say getting injured, I am referring to pulling a muscle, or dislocating a bone somewhere, or maybe even worse-messing up my back or neck; you know...something extreme exercise related. These were all reasonable concerns, which prompted me to take baby steps in the beginning. I started slow, knowing that I would grow (evolve) into it.And I did! Within the first week or so I found that I was able to do a lot of the exercises, without problem. Endurance was my only problem and over time, that became more of a non issue. In the beginning I hit the pause button, a lot!

If you have been following my Blog from the beginning, and a lot of you have, you will remember that posting titled "A Funny Thing Happened To Me On The Way Home From The Gym" (end of December 2012) - the story of my hand injury, hand surgery and hand recovery. Yes, I did end up missing some P90X time during the healing process but at least it wasn't from me doing something stupid while exercising. Instead it was caused by me doing something stupid while gardening.

Today, the Wednesday of my last week, I was scheduled to do the Yoga X routine, and I did. I worked the full 1 1/2 hour program and took mental notes of where I advanced (improved) and where I still needed some work. Obviously improvement is required in mastering the perfect positioning, something that will take time (years) and guess what? I have nothing but time. The one Yoga position I still haven't done is the Crane. It doesn't interest me, at all and it isn't worth risking injury. I noticed Tony (the P90X guru) was having a lot of trouble getting into the Crane position...I never noticed that before. All of the other P90X Yoga X maneuvers were completed, more or less, as required. I was so pleased when the program was finished, knowing that this was my last P90X Yoga class (it never was my favorite).

After feeding Kerry's mom, it was time for me to head to the gym and knock out another 3 mile sprint. I was in second heaven, running (a thing I enjoy doing) while watching the financial news reporting that the Dow index is still climbing (another thing I enjoy doing). I've had plenty of days running while watching the stock market go in the other direction...this was a nice change.

So, in closing, there will be only two more postings regarding this P90X adventure, one tomorrow and the last one on Saturday. Glad you stayed with me and followed along. I am so glad this was my last Yoga...

 I said it was the last Yoga, not Yoda

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