Saturday, March 9, 2013

P90X - My Journey

P90X - My Journey

Today was the final day of what I lovingly referred to as my Odyssey. There was nothing about the last 90 days that I regret except for not doing this earlier on in my life. Moving forward, you can be assured that some sort of physical discipline will be a regular part of my routine. Kerry and I have already talked about, and designed a gym in our RV garage. We sold the RV a couple of years ago to make room for Kerry's parents possessions when they moved in with us. Soon, the last of it will be gone giving us back our space. A mini-gymnasium is born.  

Today was of course a special day of accomplishment. It just goes to show,  you can do anything if you set your mind to it. I set my mind to it and look at me now...It is done!

I started today with the Saturdays routine, Kenpo. I find it ironic that my last day of P90X is a Saturday, the day I do my favorite workout (Kenpo). It was wonderful. Later on, after doing some yard work with Kerry, I headed to the gym to pump out a quick 3 mile jog. 

As I said in earlier postings, I will continue to run, 4 times a week, just as a part of my long term maintenance goals. Kenpo will also be a part of that regime. I will also add some other P90X components to round off my weekly workout schedule, but for now, I will just leave all of  that in "concept mode" giving myself a few days off to enjoy this side of the finish line.

I am convinced that moving forward, starting each year with a 90 day P90X exercise plan, is the right thing to do. January, February and March...consider them spoken for, reserved, booked!

When I started doing this workout in late November, I took a series of body measurements and if you are interested, here are a few of the details;  My Chest grew an inch. My waist shrunk down to 35 inches from 40 inches. My Biceps gained a 1/2 inch, as did my forearms. My thighs gained an inch (mostly from my running), and the biggest transformation for me was my weight.. I weighed 212 lbs in Nov. and now I am down to 185 lbs (I still have a  little ways to go before I hit my target).                                                     

I also tracked my hours just to have a running total of the hours I committed to this experiment. Here are my P90X workout totals;

X Cardio 1½  hrs                                 
Yoga X 24hrs                                        
Chest & Back   5hrs  
Plyometrics  10hrs                                
Shoulder & Arms  6hrs                         
Legs & Back  10hrs 
Kenpo X  13hrs                                  
 X-Stretch   16hrs                                  
 Core Synergistics 6hrs    
Ab Ripper X 8hrs                                
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps  5hrs           
Back & Biceps  5hrs

Total P90X 108½ hrs                          
Miles Ran 117

In closing, I wish to thank all of you for being faithful readers (followers). It was my pleasure sharing this journey with you. Stay tuned (keep an eye out) for my next blog series titled Anchors Away. This will be the daily log of our upcoming vacation in April. Once we get back home I will post each days log (with pictures) so you can share in the relaxation of our time away from home. Are you curious? You'll have to wait and see.

Hope you enjoy this before & after picture of me...

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I have a question about your blog, could you please email me? Thanks!!

