Friday, March 8, 2013

P90X - It Just Happened...

P90X - It Just Happened...

When I first started blogging about this physical education journey I asked myself on many occasions if I should post a blog entry each and every day, or if once a week would suffice. I even contemplated just doing a monthly update report with a focus on a comparison from one month to another. Sitting down to write a posting each and every day was something I really didn't plan on doing. It just happened.

Initially I thought that I would not know what to say, day after day, week after week, month after month. How can someone sit down and write something "interesting" for ninety straight days? It seems that the formula I used worked. With over 3000 readers I owe you gratitude for sticking with me through this long (and sometimes painful) experience.

Here is my story for today, day 89 of 90. I am rounding the corner and heading into the straight-away. I can see that finish line up ahead, almost there; must keep going; can't stop now. "Bring It"

This would be the last time that I would have to do the P90X Legs and Back routine. As I slipped the DVD back into its sleeve I had a brief moment of anticipation for the day, sometime down the road, when I would return to this wonderful workout DVD. I have strong legs mostly due to my regular 3 mile runs and partially due to Legs and Back, and other P90X routines.

Today was a little backwards for me. As you know, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I add the Ab Ripper X program to the end of my workout routine (doubling up). On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I hit the gym for an aggressive 3 mile run. Today, being a Friday was going to be an Ab Ripper day, but with the busy schedule of things around here that needed to be done, I ended up doing the Ab Ripper X first, then added my Legs and Back exercises. 

The Ab Ripper never seemed so easy. It also made my regular routine go smoother, although the burn I felt in my legs was intense (manageable, but intense). Go figure...I have been doing the Ab Ripper after the workout all of these months and it isn't until my last day of doing Ab Ripper that I discover it makes a great warm up for other exercises. I'll have to remember that the next time I find myself down the P90X path (and I will be back down this path again).

So, with that said, I will close today with a smile for I know what I have accomplished, these past few months, was not only the right thing for me to do, it was the smart thing for me to do. 

I Don't Want It To Be Over

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