Saturday, March 2, 2013

P90X - He Made Me Do It...

P90X - He Made Me Do It...

My 83rd day bought to me two of my most favorite workouts. I started early with Kenpo X and finished off with a 3 mile run. I know, I know, the 3 mile run isn't part of the P90X program and I would have been just fine doing the entire 90 days without it. I would have lost some weight and my general physical condition would still have been vastly improved. But here's the deal; I like running.

I never understood why people jogged through parks or around neighborhoods, that is until I started running myself. Funny thing is, I get bored and when I get bored my focus wanders. I tried running around my neighborhood. I even mapped out a 3 mile route. But there are two reasons why I prefer to run at the gym instead of on the road. First, I love getting absorbed into CNN or some other news channel. It makes the time fly by, and for me that is a good thing. The second reason the gym is preferred might have something to do with comfort. The asphalt roads are firm and have no give to them. The treadmill is soft and cushy in comparison. Maybe I just need to get some new running shoes, ones that provide the cushion I've come to love and enjoy.

After doing my series of Kenpo punches, kicks and blocks, I can feel the leg and arm muscles thanking me for the workout. They happily absorbed that oxygen rich blood with every flex and now, they are resting, well fed, pleased.

One week, or seven days, or seven sleeps if you will...that is all that I have left. Part of me wants to celebrate the conclusion by going out and diving into a big juicy cheese burger (with fries extra crispy) but in reality, I will celebrate by making a fruit smoothie with Whey protein and maybe take a nice long walk around the hood, with Kerry (my wife) and Rosie (our dog).

Oh, one more thing...I would like to give a shout out to Nicholas, my youngest stepson. He is the one who introduced P90X to me...He made me do it! He not only started me upon this journey, he also embarked on his own P90X odyssey (his second time doing it). Today was his 90th day. Hey Nick, wait for me, I'll be there soon.

Nick doing Warrior 3
Alabama Style

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