Tuesday, March 5, 2013

P90X - Hey, I'm Entitled...

P90X - Hey, I'm Entitled...

Being my 86th day and only having 4 days to go before I soar past that imaginary finish line, I have multiple feelings going through me, all at the same time. In short, I am curious about how well I will maintain this new discipline of eating the right foods and most important, long term portion control.  

Today's workout included Plyometrics which I love and hate all at the same time. Maybe a little more love than hate. My jumps are higher and when doing the 180 degree spin, I am able now to keep up and actually do the full 180 turn. The Rock Star jump is now do-able for me, although I still can't seem to get enough air time to lift my feet up so they hit my butt. Maybe it is a physical limitation or that inner voice telling me that if I do, I'll end up doing a face plant. Either way, I know my limits...limits that are nothing more than a challenge for me. One day I will get there, but for now I am happy being able to jump and get air time, at the same pace as those professionals on the DVD. My favorites on this program are the Monster Tires, Lateral Frog, Hot Foot, the Heisman and of course, Squat Jumping Jacks. I could do all of those all day long, with breaks in between of course.

Being a Tuesday I also got to do two other important things. First, I went to the gym and pumped out an easy 3 mile run. This really brought on the sweat. I especially enjoyed the last mile. There was a certain skip to my step and I think it had to do with the other reason why this Tuesday was a special one. I get to go to the airport today and pick up my reason for living. Yes, Kerry is coming home. I get to share space with the one who completes me. Yeah, I know...kinda of mushy and kissy...Hey, I'm entitled! Oh, and one more thing...this is also the Tuesday that the DOW Index closed at an all time high. HOORA!

Being the last week of my P90X journey, today's Plyometrics, just like every other workout this week will be the last time I get to do them...FOR NOW. My goal is to find an easy long term maintenance exercise schedule which includes my 3 mile run 4 times per week. And every January I will start the P90X over making January, February and March my "Cleaning House" period. Of course when I say cleaning house I am referring to loosing unwanted weight gained from the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays that just past and purging all of the toxins that have built up in my body over the past year. That's my goal anyways, only time will tell if it is a realistic goal...I'm sure it is.

If you're interested, here is a look at what Plyometric looks like being done by a P90X beginner;  

Hey Ma, Look What I Can DO.

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