Sunday, March 3, 2013

P90X - It's So Sad...NOT!

P90X - It's So Sad...NOT!

It is hard to believe that I am already finished my 84th day of my 90 day P90X adventure. 

You may have noticed that during my blogging, I have referred to this as an adventure, a challenge, a journey or even an odyssey. There has been one word that I never used...up until now that is. That word is "Success" - My P90X chapter has been a success in every regard. There will be more to follow on that in future postings.

I also had a realization today, one that brought a smile across my sweaty face. Half way through today's workout I started thinking about all of the different exercise programs that the P90X introduced to me. Then it hit me. This was my last week. I had only 6 more days left, next Saturday being my 90th and last day. That means that each DVD I play will be the last time I do that specific DVD exercise. Today was my Sunday regular X Stretch. Yes, this is the last time I will be doing X Stretch. The same applies for tomorrows workout and each remaining workout after that. Each day next week will host a P90X program, for the very last time. It's so sad...NOT!

I am looking forward to sharing with you my final P90X days and I hope my final summary encourages you in some small way. If you read this or any of my P90X postings and would like to ask me a specific question about my journey's successes or failures, please feel free to use the comments box below. I promise to get back to you as quickly as possible. 

Yes, we've Evolved

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