Thursday, January 31, 2013

P90X - Oh What A Day...

P90X – Oh, What A Day…
My 53rd P90X day was a special one. Not only was it my 3rd Thursday in Phase Two, and not only was it my day for diving into the realms of Yoga X and all that it brings to the mind, body and soul, it was also my 22nd anniversary. Oh, what a day.
After Kerry and I shared the Yoga X experience for the full 1 ½ hour program, we headed out for lunch to share this special day, together. Italian was the course we opted for and we enjoyed every bite.
Usually, on my Yoga X day I would finish off with a 3 mile run. Today, I will spend every moment with my bride. Instead of running, alone, together we walked he dog, visited with neighbors and sucked in as much fresh air as we could.
Tomorrow, I will continue on with my routine and will enjoy the success, as it comes. I did find my Yoga positioning was much more on target today compared to times past. Still, there are a few things I dare not try (yet). That day will come (soon) but for now I do what I can and I do it well (sort of)
Now it is time to return to the company of my bride and together we will bask in what, so far, has been the perfect day.
                                      She put up with me for 22 years, and is ready for more.

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