Thursday, January 10, 2013

P90X - Doc, I've Got It Covered...

P90X – Doc, I’ve Got It Covered…
My 34th day brings Yoga X followed by my usual 3 mile run.
My injured hand will take weeks before it will bend like the other hand and from what the surgeon said yesterday, it could be 6 months before I get feeling back in the damaged finger. Still, I ploughed away at the Yoga routines and as usual, those I could do, I did and those I couldn’t do, I modified.
What was my favorite part of today’s Yoga class you ask? I could be a wise guy and say my favorite was the part at the end when we do the corpse pose (lay on back, arms and legs relaxed, eyes closed and do nothing for 60 seconds), but in reality, I had no one favorite part. Instead I am pleased that I am just able to keep up with the constant variations of Warrior poses and Downward Dog stretches.
When I got back from my 3 mile trek I sat and chatted with Kerry. She asked me how the run was and I told her the truth; when I started I wanted to stop right away and it wasn’t until the 2 mile mark was behind me before my second wind kicked in giving me the endurance to increase my pace past the 3 mile marker. Kerry suggested I was tired because I was doing too much. I countered with, “Maybe it had to do with my doing a 1 ½ hour Yoga session before heading to the gym.” She laughed as she commented on how much cardio exercise I was getting. Is it too much? To me, no! To Kerry, probably not! To my cardiologist, I see him next week. He is an advocate of exercise especially cardio. “Doc, I’ve got it covered.” But of course, every time I see him I go into detail about my life's habits, including exercise.
Today, it is done! Tomorrow will be a new day, with new challenges. I’ll keep you updated as it unfolds.
                                                 Has anyone seen my foot?

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