Tuesday, January 8, 2013

P90X - Getting Some Air...

P90X – Getting Some Air…
Officially day 2 of Phase 2...I found myself doing one of the more enjoyable routines (for me). Today was Plyometrics and as I was building up a sweat I was noticing a measureable improvement from my last time doing jump training. My feet were actually leaving the ground while trying to maintain form. Oh well, at least I was getting some air.
The one exercise that still baffles me is the running-around-the-towel bit. You know the one I mean?  You place a folded towel upon the floor and as quickly as you can you run in a clockwise direction, around that towel (without touching it). While holding your head and shoulders stationary, your entire lower torso moves like crazy. Once you are at the point where you almost fall down, you are told to stop (good) and then do it again in the opposite direction (not so good). I think the trick is to forget about doing it quickly and instead, focus on style and form (slower is better). I need to work on that.
Once my Plyometrics session was done, it was time to run errands and take care of a business meeting. After Kerry and I had a wonderful lunch (a shared soup and sandwich) I brought Kerry home. Then I headed to the gym to knock out another3 mile run.
For the next three weeks I will be adding Ab Ripper X to my Monday, Wednesday and Friday schedule and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I will add my own twist to the routine (a 3 mile run). This is the same as I did in Phase 1 and for me; it seemed to work just fine.
Hot tub time…
                                                                      I Can Fly

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