Monday, January 28, 2013

P90X - Of Course...

P90X – Of Course…
Today is a day marked with 50/40…50 days down and only 40 more to go. Am I having fun venturing along my P90X journey? Of course. Am I looking forward to the day when I no longer have to work so hard, each and every day? Of course. Once I am done, and this journey is but a memory, will I continue to work at living a healthier lifestyle with regular exercise and diet, keeping my weight where it needs to be? Of course.
Today was my day to work on Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. It was extremely pleasurable, except for the pushups I couldn’t do. Now don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t as if I couldn’t do them. It was more in regards to the quantity, but like Tony says, it is all about maximum quantity-do what you can and benchmark that number. The next time you will be able to do more, even if only by one.
There were a couple of pushups that I decided to pass on, like the plyometric pushup where one pushes upwards, hard and fast with hands leaving the ground. I actually positioned myself, ready to give it the old college try, but the image of me planting my face onto the floor with the momentum of my body behind it prompted me to pass on that one. Also, the one handed pushup was not on my must-do list. Instead, when these impossible pushups came up, I simply assumed the position and did my pushups the old fashion way. I can honestly say that I am able to do more today compared to only a week ago. HOO-RA
The days exercise obligation ended with a little Ab Ripper X. Kerry joined me for that session and together we made short work of it. She really impresses me as to how fit she is when doing these various Ab Ripper maneuvers. She is my rock.
                                                                   Eat Healthy

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