Saturday, January 12, 2013

P90X - Higher, Faster, Harder...

P90X – Higher, Faster, Harder…
Almost done with this week, my first week of Phase 2. Yes my P90X’s 36th day is now history.
Today (Saturday) had me doing Kenpo, my favorite of all P90X routines. There is something wonderfully elegant about beating up an imaginary foe, standing 2 feet in front of you.  My kicks are higher and on target, my punches on point and my blocks are powerful and precise (if I do say so myself). Now, if my DVD instructor saw my kicks, punches and blocks, he may very well have a different opinion. “Higher, Faster, Harder,” he would yell at me.
Of course, once my routine was done it was off to the gym for me. Today’s 3 mile run was an easy one. I could have gone on and on and on, but I stopped when it was time to stop. I did notice a funny thing at the gym. There was a lady on the treadmill next to mine. She was going along at a slow but steady pace of 2 or 3 miles per hour. Yes, she was doing a walk, not a run. During the entire time I was sweating like crazy, she was casually walking on the conveyor while texting with some faraway companion. She didn’t look up once.  
I was once told that if one goes to the gym and while exercising can have a conversation with someone, then they are really not exercising. They are wasting their money (and time). For me, when I run, there is no way I can speak, no way at all.
I am glad that I don’t text, or chat or waste money when I go to the gym. I am there to do a job, just like the job I am doing with my P90X. My job, for the next 54 days at least, is to stay the course, and finish this journey.
                                                          ...Take That...

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