Friday, January 18, 2013

P90X - Are You Getting Tired...

P90X – Are You Getting Tired…
Are you getting tired of my constant blogging yet? Are ya? Well, too bad because I am on a roll. I can see the half way point just up ahead (3 days away). Then it is smooth sailing across the finish line (my 90 days of sweat, aches and yes, pains).
Being day 42 and a Friday I got to experiment with the sequence of my 2 routines today (Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X).  Usually, while my muscles are still warm, I like to go right into the Ab Ripper X. Not today…
Since Kerry is out of town I found it a little difficult to get rolling this morning. No motivation! So, I ended up just getting off of my butt; I put in the DVD and went to town working on my Legs and Back. I did fast forward through the Chin Up portions (although I did do the Chin Ups). I would pull myself up and more or less do 5 or 6 chin ups (not the lower to straight arms and pulling back up again kind either). I was happy just doing my own form of chin ups. Believe me, they weren’t pretty.
I loved doing the leg exercises and adding weight seems to help out a lot. By 10:30am I was finished and working through the cool down moves. Then my day got busy and it wasn’t until 4:00pm when I got around to playing the Ab Ripper X DVD. Today, the Ab Ripper killed me.
Tonight I will go to bed early, sleep soundly and charge into tomorrow’s P90X with everything I have (unless I sleep in).
No Words Necessary

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