Thursday, January 24, 2013

P90X - Go To Her...

P90X – Go To Her…
My 46th day of P90X was a busy one. This, being a Thursday of Phase 2, my obligation was to be 1 ½ hours of Yoga to which I would usually add a 3 mile run. Last night as I pondered what this day would bring, and demand, I resolved myself to getting an early start. If I began my Yoga X at 7:30am, then I would be done my 9am, giving me plenty of time to do a run and all of the other things that were waiting for me throughout the day.
By 8:30am I was still in bathrobe, on the computer, surfing for this and that. Finally I got my butt in gear, popped in the DVD and hit the “play” button. Kerry joined me for most of the work out and eventually, the deed was done. Yes, now I can plough like the rest of them, without touching the floor with my toes of course.
I immediately headed off to the gym to get my run in. The problem was there wasn’t a whole lot of time. Kerry and I had a lunch date and it was coming down to the wire as far as timing went. We needed to leave the house no later than 11:30 (because that was when there would be someone here to watch over Kerry’s mom. It was a slim window of opportunity, one that we both wanted to take full advantage of.
While running past the one mile mark I looked at the clock. I had two options; 1) Stay the course and get home late. I would need an extra 20 minutes to finish my 3 miles.  2). Accept that today I would only run a single mile but enjoy a wonderful lunch with the most important person in the world to me. As I pondered my options a voice suddenly spoke to me, loud and clear. It said, “Go to her.” I did. We had the most wonderful experience with not only the meal, but with the drive as well.  
I made a promise to myself that the next time I go running (on Saturday) I will run 5 miles instead of 3. This will make up the two miles I missed today. I’ll let you know how that goes.
We do so very much enjoy each other…
Kerry and Me under the Kissing Tree, Xian, China

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