Monday, January 14, 2013

P90X - We Do Everything Together

P90X – We Do Everything Together…
Up until recently, my P90X journey was a solo event, except for those of you who have become regular readers. With you I share my ups and downs, contemplations and goals. As I have mentioned before, every now and then Kerry joins me while I am exercising, completes a few moves before leaving to continue on with her day, and her days routines.
Today was different. Kerry approached me and asked me what today’s P90X program was. I replied, “Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, followed with Ab Ripper X”. Her next three words somewhat surprised me (and pleased me). She replied, “I’ll join you” and indeed she did.
We do everything together and today’s workout was no exception. She not only stayed the course, she finished and crossed the finish line, with me, together (ahh, isn’t that sweet?) As she was about to leave I asked her where she was going. I reminded her that the Ab Ripper X DVD was next and I usually do it immediately after my day’s workout. She didn’t bat an eye as the program began. Yes, she is limber, and can do moves I only dream of. I enjoyed sharing the experience.
Kerry does have a weak shoulder so when she needed to; she modified her moves to meet her needs and not those of Tony and the gang.
For me, I am happy to say that my flexibility has improved, dramatically.  My push up numbers are climbing and my endurance enhanced. So much has happened in only 38 days of P90X. Can’t wait to see what the remaining 42 days will bring.

                                                   Always Happy Together

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