Tuesday, January 29, 2013

P90X - Jumps, Hops and Lunges...

P90X – Jumps, Hops and Lunges…
Can you say Plyometrics? Yupp, that was what I focused on doing today, along with my 3-mile run of course.
I did do it a little backwards today. With a busy days schedule ahead of me, and Kerry wanting to go to her Palates class, I ended up going to the gym first and getting my run out of the way. Then once Kerry was finish with her class she picked me up and together we completed some of the errands we needed to get done. Once we were back at home I popped the Plyometrics DVD in and went to town on my jumps, hops and lunges.
The hour went by quickly and the sweat ran down my face freely. As I sit here noting the experience I can still feel those wonderful tingles in every part of my body.
Last night Kerry and I watched The Biggest Loser and for me I was impressed at how the coaches pushed each member of their team to go beyond the point of comfort and to enter the realm of pain and discomfort. Even though I think I am pushing myself, in reality I must ask the question, “How hard am I really pushing myself and can I do more?”
This, my 51st day of P90X (the 3rd Tuesday of my Phase 2) I have to be honest with myself…and answer No. I think I can push it a little harder. Tomorrow I will do just that.

Catch Air

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