Friday, January 11, 2013

P90X - The Bedouins Have Moved In...

P90X – The Bedouins Have Moved In…
35 days into my P90X journey and I am finally getting back into the swing of the routine.
But, before I could get into my routine today, Kerry and I had some chores that needed to be done first. Starting tonight, the temperature lows will plummet to the mid to high 20’s (F). Over the next few days the lows will climb, first to the high 20’s then to the low 30’s before we see our lows back up above freezing. So, for the next few nights, if there is a tree we like, that can be damaged by frost, we need to take action. There will  be no putting-it-off for another day. The freeze arrives tonight!
A couple of years ago, we bought a bunch of king sized flat sheets and in groups of two, we stitched them together, end to end. This gave us decent cover for our citrus trees. Over the years the trees have grown to the point where a double king sheet just doesn’t cut it. I went out and bought more sheets and now we have four end to end kings attached to each other. That one cover is made with a total of 8 king flat sheets. We have another one made with 6 king sheets, a couple of 4 king sheet covers and a few single king sheets for good measure. The covers are on the trees, anchored by large rocks so the winds will not carry them away.
Looking in our back yard it looks like the Bedouins have moved it, setting up camp where our citrus trees used to be.
Once this chore was completed, it was off to my exercise room for me and my old and beat up body.
Today was Back and Legs with a solid dose of Ab Ripper X. I find it interesting that on the days when I am at the gym running, my mind tells me that I would prefer to be home plowing through the Ab Ripper X DVD and on the days (like today) when I am doing the Ab Ripper X  session, my brain longs for the treadmill and those lovely 3 miles that pass beneath my feet.
I actually cheated today, if one wishes to call it cheating.  I prefer to call it modifying – doing the Back and Legs session, they switched back and forth between pull ups and leg exercises. Because I can’t do a pull up with stitches in my hand, I just hit the fast forward button. So in reality, today’s 1 hour program probably only took me 45 minutes to complete. No guilt here!

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