Tuesday, January 22, 2013

P90X - That Ain't Gonna Happen...

P90X – That AIn’t Gonna Happen…
The last time I posted was on Saturday, the day that I crashed and burned due to this cold (or whatever it was). Well, today is Tuesday and I am glad to say, “I’m Back.”
Yes, I skipped a couple of days of my P90X but seeing that this is a 90 day program, I will continue off where I last finished. Saturday was my 43rd day so I will consider today (Tuesday) my 44th day.
Being a Tuesday my schedule has me doing Plyometrics (Jump training). Now as you may remember, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are the days that I add a 3 mile run to the routine, even though it isn’t a part of the program. I do it because I can.
Today, I will not run and here is why; I am not yet fully recovered. I like to measure my illness in percentages. For example, on Saturday, when I was at my lowest, I would say that I was at maybe 20% functionality. I could still do stuff, but only the basic necessities (eat, move short distances, moan, etc). You get the picture… Sunday I was at about 40% of my usual self, but still ill enough to avoid going to church (plus I didn’t want to spread and germs).  Monday I was up to around 50% and thanks to my wife’s nursing ability, today when I woke up I was at a wonderful 80% of my normal self. I was tempted to stay down for the day just to get back up to the fully charged 100%. That Ain’t Gonna Happen!
So, when I started working out today doing Plyometrics, I followed along feeling pretty good. I was able to continue on while hitting the pause only a couple of times, to sip a drink and rest for 30 extra seconds. What amazed me the most was my perspiration; I do sweat normally when working out but today it was as if a faucet was turned on; fluids just poured out of every pore. Don’t worry…I replenished well. But, as far as going to the gym goes to run a few miles, I decided not to push it. Right now I feel wonderful and more energetic than I have in days. So I will take it easy as far as the extra stuff I do goes. My next running day is Thursday. Maybe by then I will be up for it. I hope so.
My P90X partner, Nick (also my youngest son) lives in Alabama and together we are taking this P90X journey. This is my 1st attempt and his 2nd.  How strange is it that when I took sick a few days ago, he also came down with the “Bug”- one of his kids brought home a bug from school, gave it to his brother, who in turn gave it to his dad (Nick). While I was down, so was my P90X buddy. Now that is what I call a P90X Bond. Even over vast distances, our souls unite.
Being Sick Really SUCKS

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