Saturday, January 5, 2013

P90X - The Plan...

P90X – The Plan…
I have been going to the gym every day this week, doing my 3 mile run. Even though I had this “Stupid” injury on my hand, that doesn’t mean my legs don’t work. Plus, I find if I go too many days without running, when I do get a run going, it is harder for me to cross the imaginary finish line (although I never quit before my 3 mile target is reached).
Here is the plan;
On Wednesday I go and see the hand surgeon so he can remove the sutures and admire his “Fine” work. Actually he did a great job and I was lucky to have him do the surgery. I have not been doing my P90X since I was injured for fear of ripping off a couple of stitches and opening the wound. I think that by now, the hand is healed enough to allow me to resume my P90X journey. Still, while the sutures are in place, there will be no chin ups or other strenuous exercises that involve my right hand. But since the sutures are coming out on Wednesday, I can baby my hand until then.
I plan on starting back on my journey (P90X) on Monday (Phase 2). That will officially be my 31st day of 90 (remember, I injured my hand after completing my 30th day, the last day of Phase 1). By starting back up on Monday, if I can continue uninterrupted for the duration of the program, I should reach my 90th day (the last day of Phase 3) by March 7th. 
I will continue my daily Blogging on Monday.
That is my goal. Bring It!

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