Tuesday, January 15, 2013

P90X - Brrrrrrr

P90X – Brrrrrrr
Plyometrics has become one of my favorite P90X routines. At this point in time, Kenpo is my All-Time-Number-One favorite (for reasons explained to you in an earlier blog). Plyo has snuck into second place. Tomorrows Back and Biceps steals third place and all of the others are pulling up the rear (I haven’t developed a love for any of them…yet).
When I started the P90X journey, Instead of following the program the way it was designed, I inserted the Cardio X DVD, just to give myself an intro to P90X; I was curious as to what this entire P90X thing was all about. I really enjoyed the Cardio X routines. The next day I started my journey towards 90 days of extreme exercise, weight loss and improved overall health. Sadly, the Cardio-X program is not a part of my Classic 90 day adventure. It is included on the Double P90X and the Lean P90X levels.
Once I am done with my 90 days, I will definitely use the Cardio X as a part of my maintenance routine.
Today was my day 39 (almost into my forty’s). I switched things up a bit. This morning (early) Kerry asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with her. This is her day for palates. I passed. I thought I would go to the gym later on in the day, maybe after lunch, leaving my morning open for Plyometrics. Then, at the last minute I decided to join Kerry and get my 3 mile run out of the way. By 10am we were back home, sore and sweaty. It took me until 2:30pm to get my other responsibilities taken care of before I could head into my exercise room for some Jump training. By 4:15pm I was done. The routines, for the most part are a lot easier. I can keep up with the speed and intensity, but still have some issues as far as bending and touching the ground before lifting off…I fake it!
Now, with the COLD temps outside, I am going to go and have some HOT homemade soup for dinner. (FYI, last night’s low was 17 deg. F (it hasn’t been that low since the 70’s). Brrrrrrr
                                                                    How Cold?

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