Wednesday, January 30, 2013

P90X - One Day At A Time...

P90X – One Day AT A Time…
Day 52, and counting, and counting and counting.  Wednesday has me doing Back and Biceps followed by my Ab Ripper X routine. I got the P90X started early today, while Kerry was out walking with her friend. By the time she got home I was done with my Back and Biceps.
I noticed that my curls are more powerful now compared to earlier days/weeks. My chin ups are still pretty entertaining (funny). I found that during today’s program, when finishing a series of curls, as I reached up and grabbed onto the Chin Up bar, I barely had the strength to lift myself up once. My arms were numb with fatigue. But I did what I could and I count that as a success. I felt the burn. Later on, each time I passed the doorway with the Chin Up bar, I grabbed on and pumped out 6 or 7 with ease (sort of).
Another amazing accomplishment for me is doing sit ups during the Ab Ripper X routine. I remember when I first started doing Ab Ripper X; I could barely do any of the exercises. I found myself lying on the floor, dizzy and exhausted, and unable to complete the program. You can read all about those days in my earlier P90X postings. Today, I am doing sit ups and even though my legs are all over the place, I do complete the sit up. Also, today was the first day when doing the leg climb that I was actually able to touch my toes (with slightly bent knee of course). One day at a time.
                                                            Look What I Can Do

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