Friday, January 25, 2013

90X - Paid In Full...

P90X – Paid In Full…
As you may (or may not) remember, yesterday was one of those busy days where I barely had enough daylight time to finish what I started. I did get to do a run, but only for a single mile. It was either run the 3 miles I usually do and miss an opportunity to have a lunch date with Kerry or walk away from my run, without crossing my 3 mile finish line and bask in my wife’s company. Remember, I walked away after only running 1 mile. It was well worth it.
My plan was to be in debt for the 2 miles I missed. I decided to add them to my 3 miles on Saturday, making that visit to the gym a 5 mile day. That would settle my dept to myself.
Today is my 47th day of P90X and being a Friday I got to work on the Legs and Back routine with a follow up of Ab Riper X. Since I had an errand to run at Home Depot, which happens to be near my gym, I decided that once I finished my Legs and Back workout I would head to Home Depot to take care of business, stopping at the gym on the way home to pump out a quick 2 mile jog. It didn’t take me more than 20 or 25 minutes to settle my dept to myself. No longer will I have to do those extra miles on Saturday. My debt was now paid in full.
As soon as I got home Kerry had lunch prepared (with a side on fresh baked Chocolate Chip cookies). I ate while doing my manly man chores (hard wiring a timer for the outside lights on the front of our house and installing a digital antenna and convertor box on a spare TV and reprogramming a couple of remotes).
Once all was done I went back into my exercise room and started the Ab Ripper X DVD.  For those exercises that I do, I am doing them better (harder, faster, longer). There are still a few that prove to be beyond my ability (for now). I will continue to work on those (sit ups and chin ups).
Sounds like a good time to go and soak in the hot tub for a bit. I owe it to myself and like I said earlier, I always pay my debts.
Gotta Run

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