Wednesday, January 23, 2013

P90X - There's No Looking Back...

P90X – There’s No Looking Back…
Finally, I reached my 45th day of P90X. That means I am half way there and there’s no looking back. Everything from this moment on is an easy (or not so easy) eventual, much anticipated slide across home plate. I will make it.
When doing my routine today (Back & Biceps) I found it amusing at how easy some of the moves have become. Yes, I push for those extra few reps, just to insure I feel the burn, and I do. The chin ups are not going to happen the way they want me to do them, but for someone my age, being able to squeeze out 6 very ugly chin ups is an amazing accomplishment, especially considering when I started this journey, I couldn’t do one.
I also ended my routine with a dose of Ab Ripper X. I remember back during my first week, lying on the floor feeling all dizzy from the Ab Ripper X program. I thought it to be impossible…I was wrong. But then again, what I do compared to what is demonstrated is not a pretty thing to behold, but it still does for me what I am wanting to get out of this experience.
As I mentioned in various earlier postings, I did take a series of measurements on day one and will do the same series of measurements after my last day of P90X. Yes, I will share them with you at that point. I even took some “Before” pictures and will be sure to snap a few “After” ones as well. Will I share those with you? Maybe, maybe not. Looking at the pictures I took at the beginning of my P90X journey, it is almost embarrassing as how out-of-shape I was. At this half way point, I can report to you that I have lost well over 20 lbs (exact details being purposely avoided at this point in time). All of my pants are now one or two sizes too big.
Now, for my recent bought with the cold (or whatever that was). When I woke up this morning I was 90 to 95% myself with some slight sinus pressure. It is nothing that I can’t handle and nothing that will slow me down. Tomorrow I look forward to the P90X workout followed by my 3 mile run. Someone once asked me why I am doing a 3 mile run 3 times a week when it isn’t a part of the P90X program.  It comes down to this; before I started the P90X journey I was going to the gym 6 days a week, running 3 miles on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I would use various machines to provide some sort of upper body work out. This I thought was a well rounded work out, and for the most part it was. When Nick (my youngest) suggested that we take the P90X challenge together I didn’t want to lose my love for the jog, so I incorporated it into the P90X routine, adding the run on those days when I wasn’t required to do Ab Ripper X. My entire body tingles now with muscle aches and my oxygen intake capability has tremendous volume since I started running.
Running 3 miles was not an easy thing for me at first. Initially, I had to get my butt off of the couch and into the gym. That was a challenge, but once I did I never looked back. I designed a treadmill exercise that burned max calories while training my lungs to breathe deeply and my legs endurance. I called this workout my 4/15/30. I would jog on the treadmill at 4 miles per hour, at a full 15 incline for 30 minutes. Now, 4 miles per hour isn’t very fast but when you are at a full steep incline (15) you are working hard for the duration (30 minutes). Hundreds of calories flew off of me each time. I did this once a day for 5 or 6 days a week, for 2 years straight. Of course I added a few other workouts to keep my joints moving and lubricated.
So, long story short, running is my thing now and that is why I incorporated it into my P90X workout.
                                                           Never Stop Moving

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