Wednesday, January 9, 2013

P90X - Good News, Bad News...

P90X – Good News, Bad News…
Day 33 brought me challenges, good news, bad news you might say. My day started with a cancelled dentist appointment (good news) soon followed by a trip to my hand surgeon’s office to have my sutures removed. The finger, although still numb, is very sensitive along the incision/suture line. I just wanted to get the stitches removed so I could resume normal activity with my right hand (pull up bar, curls, pushups, etc).
The nurse took Kerry and me into the examination room where a mayo stand was set up with mayo cover, and a sterile suture removal kit was placed next to my out-stretched hand. We waited, and waited and waited some more. Eventually my doctor entered the room and delivered to things to me (us); good news, bad news.
The good news, any chance of fungal infection complications have been eliminated (good news). The incision has not completely healed so he wants to leave the sutures in for another week (bad news). He also wants me on antibiotics for an additional 10 days, just to insure there are no complications down the road (bad news). He did speak about the surgery and how amazed he was at the size of the needle that pierced my finger. He actually told us that during the surgery, even though there was an entry wound on one side of my finger and an exit wound on the opposite side, he had a difficult time locating the needle. He kept digging, cutting, searching; until he discovered the needle completely within my tendons sheath. He was impressed; Kerry was fascinated; I was nervous and just wanted my stitches removed so I could be done with this. But that is not to be, for another week anyways.
We also had a service man here to do a little work so by the time all was done the clock was approaching 3pm. I really wanted to just sit back and relax and consider today a P90X neutral day and resume tomorrow as P90X day 33. Yea, right, like my brain was going to let that happen.
Phase 2 Wednesdays is the Back and Bicep day, followed with a little Ab Ripper X. I was glad to not have to go to the gym and run today. The lazy mode had set in and just working out in my exercise room was enough for this day. Here was my problem; with sutures in my hand, using the pull up bar was out of the question. I tried to do one pull up and immediately sensed tension on the sutures. No Way Jose; I don’t feel like making a trip to the E.R. to have a ripped suture replaced. During the pull up sections of today’s workout, I hit the fast forward button. I did do most of the curls, even though grabbing on the weight with my right hand was somewhat uncomfortable.
Ab Ripper X flew by and I was glad for that. Tomorrow is Yoga X and a 3 mile run. I will let you know how that goes. I'm tired...

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