Wednesday, January 16, 2013

P90X - What's In A Number...

P90X – What’s In A Number…
Ah, the number 40…40 winks, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, highway 40, to be 40 once again; all of these are great uses for the number 40. But what’s in a number? I’ll tell ya! Today, the Wednesday of my second week of Phase 2 is my 40th day. Yahoo. So I guess I can go out and buy myself a Dutch Chocolate double layer cake with 40 candles and celebrate, right? What? I can’t! Oh man…
That’s okay. I had fish and chips for lunch today – and it was GOOD (I didn't eat all of my fries). Yes, I consumed a few extra calories, but come on, this is day 40. I earned it. When I got home from lunch I did jump right into today’s routine, Back and Biceps, followed immediately by the infamous Ab Ripper X. So I did end up burning a lot of those delicious calories. I’ll get the rest of them tomorrow.
I did enjoy doing all of the curls, but I had some difficulty with the chin ups. It seems that being injured on my right hand has pushed be back a bit as far as my advancement with chin ups goes.
Just before going out to lunch Kerry and I went to the hand surgeon’s office to have my sutures removed from my right hand. I am healing fine and I should have feeling back in that ring finger within 3 – 6 months (now, it is completely numb).

So when I got back home and dove into the P90X, I no longer had the excuse of not doing chin ups for fear of ripping a stitch (or 2). Today, being suture free, I grabbed onto the pull up bar and lifted, with limited success. I will be back to my previous goal of every time I walk by the pull up bar, I will grab on and lift as many times as I can. That should do two things; 1) get be back to where I was (doing chin ups) before I got injured and 2) help me with my hand to build up strength and flexibility.
So for today, I celebrate the number 40, and I am glad for it. Just think, 5 more days and I am half way there. Yes, what’s in a number? Success.
Upward Dog - Work those tummy muscles

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